Category: divorce attorney in gulf breeze
divorce attorney in gulf breeze
Holiday time share
Read more: Holiday time shareCustody Attorney in Gulf Breeze & Pensacola LACIE BOWDEN LAW Divorces are a difficult process during the holidays. That difficulty is pale in comparison to the emotions of a custody battle. As a Family Law firm, custody is one of our specialties. When addressing child custody issues, legal support improves your ability to protect your…
Divorce Lawyer in Gulf Breeze
Read more: Divorce Lawyer in Gulf BreezeLACIE BOWDEN LAWDivorce Lawyer in Gulf Breeze Florida You had a gut feeling all along, but you thought it was nerves.Divorce doesn’t have to be a lonely journey; family, friends, and a divorce lawyer can be your support group. Having a support system during a divorce can make all the difference. It’s important to lean…
A Child’s Laughter
Read more: A Child’s LaughterAdoption Attorney in Gulf Breeze LACIE BOWDEN LAW Families are the absolute foundation of Family Law. Placing a child in a loving and supportive home is a very rewarding experience for all involved, including the attorneys. At the Law Office of Lacie Bowden, we strive to help all families seeking to adopt a child into…
Divorce Attorney in Gulf Breeze
Read more: Divorce Attorney in Gulf BreezeDivorce Attorney in Gulf BreezeLACIE BOWDEN LAW Not Everyone has a Happy Ending.When you need a Good Divorce Attorney in Gulf Breeze, call Lacie Bowden Law. A Sobering fact from a recent report by the Census Bureau, Florida holds the seventh-highest divorce rate in the nation. Roughly 50,000 couples file for divorce each year. More…
Bedtime stories
Read more: Bedtime storiesCustody Attorney in Gulf Breeze LACIE BOWDEN LAW Child custody and the Holidays is one of the most fiercely litigated issues in a divorce. Child custody refers to the rights and obligations between parents, regarding their children, after a divorce, legal separation, or paternity decree. There are two independent types of custody. Physical custody refers to…
Daddy’s Girl
Read more: Daddy’s GirlAdoption in Gulf BreezeLACIE BOWDEN LAW Looking for help with an Adoption? Anyone may be adopted in Florida. Children aged 12 or older must give their consent to the adoption unless the court decides that waiving the child’s consent is in their best interest. What are the requirements for Adoption? The most important Adoption requirement-You…