Lacie Bowden Law
Divorce Attorney in Gulf Breeze

Are you looking for help with a Child Custody Dispute in Pensacola or Gulf Breeze? 

What does Child Custody mean in the state of Florida?  
Child custody refers to the care, control, and maintenance of a minor, or Time Sharing.

Child custody laws in Florida help determine which parent gets legal and physical custody.

A parent with legal custody of a child can make educational, religious, medical, and disciplinary decisions.

Through these laws, the courts will also decide who gets physical custody.

The courts determine who gets physical custody to establish where a child will live.

What kind of arrangements are there for custody?

There are two types of custody arrangements in the state of Florida.
Child custody can be awarded to one parent (known as sole custody) or to both parents (known as joint custody).

Joint custody situation, both parents share legal and physical child custody.

In Florida, joint custody is called shared parental responsibility, and both parents must approve all decisions related to the child.

Raising Healthy and Happy Children should be the goal of both parents. Lacie Bowden Law offers a free consultation so you can learn what your options are.

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