Author: t.phujarit

  • The drop off

    The drop off

    Family Law Attorney, Gulf Breeze LACIE BOWDEN LAW Shared custody can be difficult to work out.   In Florida, we are lucky enough to have laws that are focused on our children.  Our laws favor both parents remaining active in the child’s life following a divorce.  This is not always an easy process to follow.  It’s made…

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  • Divorce that Scrub

    Divorce that Scrub

    Lacie Bowden LawDivorce Attorney in Gulf Breeze Is it time to call it quits? If you’re the party filing for divorce, you need to complete a form called Petition for Dissolution of Marriage as the petitioner. The spouse receiving and answering questions on the form is called the respondent. Florida publishes four types of dissolution…

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  • The back-up plan

    The back-up plan

    Divorce Attorney in Gulf BreezeLACIE BOWDEN LAW Dont worry, you can always get a divorce if it doesnt work out…they said.  What Will My Divorce Lawyer Do? A Divorced Attorney is also known as a Family Law Attorney that specializes Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Child Support and Wills. There are specific tasks a Divorce lawyer will take care of, including preparation of paperwork, documentation, filing and keeping track of deadlines and…

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  • Determining Child Support

    Determining Child Support

    Divorce Attorney in Gulf BreezeLACIE BOWDEN LAW Child support is determined on a variety of factors involving the child, school, food, allowance, healthcare and more. Child support is strictly enforced, However it can be modified based on a change of circumstances like being jobless, health issues and age of the child. Child support ends when…

    Read more: Determining Child Support
  • Empty Nest Divorce

    Empty Nest Divorce

    Divorce Attorney PENSACOLALACIE BOWDEN LAW You have waited for years. The kids are grown and own their own. How long does a divorce take to be Finalized? If you want to get divorced, you probably have no knowledge about the whole process except that it will end your marriage. The lack of knowledge can lead to…

    Read more: Empty Nest Divorce
  • Divorce: Infidelity and Emotionally Draining

    Divorce: Infidelity and Emotionally Draining

    LACIE BOWDEN LAWDivorce Lawyer in Gulf Breeze  Divorce: Infidelity and Emotionally Draining Divorce is never an easy process, but when infidelity is involved, it can add an extra layer of emotional complexity and turmoil. Discovering that a partner has been unfaithful can be devastating, shattering trust and leaving deep emotional scars. The challenges faced by…

    Read more: Divorce: Infidelity and Emotionally Draining