Lacie Bowden Law
Divorce Attorney in Gulf Breeze

Is it time to call it quits?

If you’re the party filing for divorce, you need to complete a form called Petition for Dissolution of Marriage as the petitioner. The spouse receiving and answering questions on the form is called the respondent. Florida publishes four types of dissolution forms. You must meet certain criteria to qualify for each type of dissolution. These include the following for a Simplified Dissolution of Marriage:

You, your spouse, or both of you have lived in Florida for a minimum of six months
You both agree that you have reached irreconcilable differences and that it’s not possible to save the marriage
The wife of the union is not currently pregnant and the two of you have no minor children together
Neither the husband or wife seeks alimony from the other party
The two of you have previously worked out how to divide assets and liabilities
You both waive your right to a family court trial and appeal
Neither spouse desires the other to release financial information beyond what each has listed in the initial financial affidavit
You are both willing to attend the final hearing at the same time
You both agree to sign the petition at the county clerk’s office, although not necessarily at the same time

Breaking up is hard to do, so call Lacie and let your new chapter be less stressful.

Call our office for a consultation
